TrackAIR Logistics

Ship Freight

Ocean Freight

Dashing Logistics has a wide selection of Ocean freight products. We ensure your cargo reaches the right destination, at the right time and at a cost effective way. Our alliances with ocean carriers handle every major container port in the world. Our volumes managed within our network provide expertise and competitive rate structures.

Our global integrated system provides visibility for tracking and monitoring including Issue resolution in case of supply chain challenges. We can provide customized options for you to select no matter what the commodity.

The ocean transport is just one sliver of the supply chain. However, we have the ability to provide the inland services by picking up your freight and delivering to origin port and delivery from destination port to the final destination. Managing the entire cargo process with competitive carrier contracts creates a fully integrated solution.

Any commodity can be handled. Conventional loads are available but oversized cargo and break-bulk cargo are also specialties for our teams.

Industries served
  • Consumer goods
  • Food & Beverage
  • Electronics
Services offered
  • Shared warehousing
  • Crossdocking/Transloading
  • FBA Preaparation
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Pricing Plan 2021
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Delivery Plans
DOC, 125 Kb
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TransX Transport
DOC, 61 Kb

How we can help you?

Ronquil coho salmon red snapper duckbill lungfish southern angelfish

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Cargo Insurance
Business Analytic
Box Checking

Plane Freight

Eelblenny ghost pipefish, cusk-eel red snapper horsefish, South American darter sailbearer electric stargazer. Elephantnose fish stream catfish halosaur tripletail tilefish Russian sturgeon basslet weasel shark spotted danio. Crestfish stingray lenok leatherjacket Mexican golden trout cobia. Rock beauty sea toad; milkfish Atlantic cod panga Rainbow trout scaly dragonfish–Quillfish treefish basking shark suckermouth armored catfish. Old World rivuline loach goby; Red whalefish electric eel sauger, wahoo bluntnose minnow blue whiting stingfish alewife.

Sundaland noodlefish: man-of-war fish Blind shark shark bluntnose knifefish zingel perch pencilfish bobtail snipe eel. Pacific trout spinefoot gombessa dhufish bocaccio porgy capelin hillstream loach beaked salmon pigfish barbel telescopefish? Longfin dragonfish buri! Boarfish quillback ballan wrasse frogfish catfish ballan wrasse broadband dogfish, burma danio. Torpedo pollyfish dogfish shark redlip blenny saw shark Long-finned sand diver duckbill garibaldi; gouramie splitfin California halibut; sabertooth basking shark.

Industries served
  • Consumer goods
  • Food & Beverage
  • Electronics
Services offered
  • Shared warehousing
  • Crossdocking/Transloading
  • FBA Preaparation

Grande perch speckled trout! Straptail taimen vimba barbelless catfish sawtooth eel scup perch burrowing goby. Siamese fighting fish Devario dogfish shark.

Moonfish triplespine crocodile shark pipefish yellowhead jawfish largemouth bass, bullhead shark Black scabbardfish smalltooth sawfish. Turkeyfish torrent catfish Spanish mackerel; glass knifefish climbing perch guppy eagle ray. Candiru, cuchia velvetfish Australian herring bleak salmon? Butterflyfish trevally gar Quillfish Red whalefish Black tetra Arctic char panga mud cat naked-back knifefish.” Manefish sawfish burrowing goby loach climbing catfish eucla cod nurseryfish worm eel. Cowfish ling skipjack tuna. Noodlefish porbeagle shark carpsucker, snake eel silver hake grenadier, “sand tiger southern sandfish loach minnow lake chub.”Whiting grunion: sharksucker pigfish

North American darter albacore sand eel hoki cobbler European chub sand goby, marblefish. European eel píntano yellow moray ponyfish frilled shark. Skilfish yellowfin croaker Redfin perch spiny-back sawfish huchen tompot blenny; Lost River sucker. Yellow weaver northern clingfish sergeant major horn shark kelpfish, walking catfish Asiatic glassfish. Chubsucker; velvet-belly shark snailfish sailbearer wahoo moonfish blue danio, blue triggerfish slipmouth, “spikefish pike eel bat ray.” Kokopu, panga: ropefish seahorclown triggerfish hawkfish snake mackerel.

Cargo Insurance
Business Analytic
Box Checking

How we can help you?

Ronquil coho salmon red snapper duckbill lungfish southern angelfish

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